Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Tomatoes are in!!

Summer is here, ain't it sweet!!

    Well, the tomatoes are fully and finally in.  Not just one tomato here or there, but enough to be proud of a real pickin.  Yesterday's haul is shown above, and is more tomatoes than I had all of last summer.  The summer that was gray and cool.  Comfortable for us human folk, but unproductive for tomatoes and peppers.  If there were only one crop I was allowed to put in my garden, it would be the luscious tomato, my symbol of summer eating at its best.

Pink Brandywine
Pink Brandywine

      The sun, captured in nature's own wrapper.  Picked right off the vine, still warm.  Tomato juice dribble down the front of another shirt, clear and telling evidence that I was snitching a freebie  when she thought I was dutifully collecting for dinner.  But well worth it.

More Brandywines
Chocolate Cherry
 You might get the impression that I like the Pink Brandywine.  Yes, a delicious tomato.  But also in the first picture are the wonderful yellow Jubilee and the darker tomato, the Black Krim.  New to me, fairly early, absolutely delicious, and the interior a dark burgundy.  And the Cherokee Purple, a delight.  Another tomato new to me this year was Dr. Wyche.  A large yellow tomato, firm when cut, with the appearance of mangoes.  Then the Chocolate Cherry tomato.  Full tomato flavor in such a small package.  And when picked in the fall, still delivering a fine home tomato surprise taste into December.  I will be growing all of these varieties again, as they are all winners.  Too bad the tomato season is so short.  There is NOTHING in the store to compare to a home grown tomato.

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