Monday, January 9, 2012

Determined Visitor

      Yesterday was a nice enough day for the middle of winter.  Partly cloudy, mid forties, and a moderate to strong breeze.  A great time to move some wood chips to replenish paths, but not a great time to be out looking for flowers to visit if you were a honeybee.  Yet here she was, flitting over the stubbornly persistent flowers of the unprotected pak choi.  Looking around, the park gardens are pretty much devoid of flowers, so they take what they can get.  I have several cole plants in bloom in the cold frames which are normally covered, but should remember to leave the frames open a bit when the opportunity arises.  I am also thinking about putting in some plants specifically for blooms for the bees in winter.  Anybody familiar with good plant candidates?

Honey bee,  1/8/12
Trying lots of blooms,  1/8/12

A successful visit, now fight the wind back to the hive,  1/8/12

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